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A Bit Of Fun With Australian & New Zealand Slang

  Posted by: Admin on 27th April 2022 00:45:03.



Are you planning to travel around Australia or New Zealand?  Here's a list of some commonly used slang words and phrases that you may very likely here whilst traveling in Australia and/or New Zealand. 

Australians - Aussie's are characterized by making words as short as possible. 

Arvo: In the afternoon, this afternoon tomorrow afternoon 

Barbie: Not the 'Barbie Doll' your probably thinking of but rather Aussies favorite pastime - A Barbeque - or even shorter 'B-B-Q'

Bogan: A redneck, an uncultured person - Not very flattering eh!

Bottle-O:   A bottle shop, or liquor store.  Frequented by many Aussies!

Bloke: A male person usually over the age of 18

Chockers: Nothing to do with chocolate, but rather something that is very full 

Dunny: A terrible word really, but it simply means 'Toilet'

Esky:  A product that acts as a cooler to insulate food, drink and ice.  They can come in many different sizes too!

Fair Dinkum:    Absolutely true, real and genuine.   

Grommet: A reference to a young surfer

Outhouse: Another slange word for Toilet

Mozzie: No not a mosque, but rather those pesky insects called a 'mosquito'

Pash:  A  long passionate kiss. A pash rash is red irritated skin as the result of a heavy make-out session with someone with a beard.

Ripper: Meaning something is really great

Roo: The kangaroo which is one of Australia's most recognized animals world-wide. A baby roo, still in the pouch, is known as a Joey

Root:  Having sexual intercourse. Foreigners can get in trouble with this one. There have been many stories about Americans coming to Australia telling people how they love to “root for their team.”  To 'barrack” for their team, would be a better word to use instead. 

Servo: A gas station. Australian gas stations are known as Petrol or Fuel station. If you ask for gas, don’t be surprised if someone farts, breaks wind.

She’ll be right:  Everything will be all right

Sickie: A sick day from work.   If you take a day off work when you are not actually sick it’s called chucking a sickie.

Slab: A 24-pack of beer that are usually cans

Sook: A person that likes to sulk. If someone calls you a sook, it is because they think you are

Whinging:  Someone who complains or is complaining about someone or some situation

Sheila: A female person usually over the age of 18

Stubbie Holder:  Koozie or cooler. A stubbie holder is a polystyrene insulated holder for a stubbie, which is a 375ml bottle or can of beer. 

Sweet as:  Good, no problems, sweet, awesome. Aussies will often put ‘as’ at the end of adjectives to give it emphasis. Other examples include lazy as, lovely as, fast as and common as.

Ta:  Very short for thank you

Togs:     A swimsuit or swimming shorts for men

Tradie: A tradesman. In Australia tradies have nicknames too, including brickie (bricklayer), truckie (truckdriver), sparky (electrician), garbo (garbage collector) and chippie (carpenter). 

True Blue: Real Aussie

Ute: Utility vehicle, pickup truck.   The word Ute is very prevalent in a lot of countries now due to utes becoming popular, especially in Asian Countries

New Zealand Phrases That You May Come Across

New Zealand slang is hard to understand.


New Zealander’s: Kiwi’s slang can be found just about anywhere in New Zealand, even in fancy restaurants and hotels.  Here’s a basic guide on New Zealand slang and how to use it!  Once you get the hang of it, it’s easy as bro.

Kia Ora: ‘Hello’ in Maori 

Choice:  Is one of those words that means anything from, Okay, cool, I agree, I understand, it was good and can mean many other things, but it is always positive.

Fush and chups: Fish and chips which is a favourite food in New Zealand

Hangi: This is a traditional Maori meal cooked over the course of the day in pits in the earth resulting in a very fresh, moist, and tasty style of food.

Pakeha: Coined initially by early Maori to describe European settlers, which has stuck to this day.

Chilly bin: An integral part of any summer holiday, sporting event or student gathering, used to keep your beer cool as well as a top seat to sit on.

Jandals: A phrase unique to New Zealand referring to what we Aussies like to call thongs… and no, I don’t mean the underwear – the footwear!

Bach (“batch”): A holiday home at the beach.  Usually small and a bit shabby but it’s likely no one will mind you traipsing some sand inside.

Tiki tour:  A roundabout way to get somewhere – taking the scenic route

Stubbies: Very short shorts.  Usually worn by males and not leaving much to the imagination – they were big the 80s but some still enjoy donning a pair and standing around the bbq with a beer in hand.

Yeah nah: Kiwi’s say this when they are a little indecisive on what the heck they are trying to say.

Bugger: Used when something goes wrong. It’s mostly heard on a farm. It’s basically a NZ curse word.

The wops: A place in the middle of nowhere or far from anything.

Sus: A situation or someone that look or acts suspicious.

 So there you go!   There's just a handful of Aussie and Kiwi slang words used that you may come across!!

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Why Is Australia One of The Best Places to Visit?

  Posted by: Admin on 12th April 2022 10:57:44.

­Why Is Australia One of The Best Places to Visit?




Located in the southern hemisphere, Australia is the world’s smallest continent and one of the world’s largest countries. This country has the biggest, greatest, and oldest things. So, despite its remote location, it attracts millions of tourists each year.


Although it is small, you will need at least 50 hours of continuous driving to cover the entire coastline of this beautiful city. It is packed with over 12, 000 beaches along its 38,200 miles of coastlines. If you visit one beach every day, you will need approximately 32 years to see them all.


What else? Australia was named the 2020 Travel & Leisure Destination of the Year.


If this is still not enough to convince you, here are some reasons why Australia is the best place to visit and why it should be at the top of your bucket list.

What Australia is famous for?


Here are a few things Australia is famous for:


Best Urban Environment

When you hear the word "Australia", the first things that come to mind are its two famous and vibrant cities, Sydney, and Melbourne. While Sydney is known for exciting food, a wealth of diversity, the iconic opera house, and stunning architecture, Melbourne has been repeatedly voted as the world’s most livable city for its world-class infrastructure, education, and thriving culture.


No matter which city you visit, you will gather a lifetime of experiences to remember.



As mentioned earlier, you will never fall short of pristine beaches to visit in Australia. It is home to world-class surfing, a striking ocean pool, and stunning stretches of coastline.


Once you see the beautiful waves storming the beaches, you’d want to go surfing. But what if you don’t know how to surf? Don’t worry, along the eastern coast, many beaches offer surf courses even if you are an absolute beginner.


A few of the most beautiful places to visit in Australia are its beaches, such as Bondi Beach, Manly Beach, Kirra Beach, Mile Beach, Whitehaven Beach, and Sydney's magnificent Shelly Beach. And if you don’t have time to visit all of these stunning beaches, you can visit the popular coastal walk that connects them. One such coastal walk is the Twelve Apostles, where you can also see the most famous rock formation of the Great Ocean Road.




Fun fact: More than 80% of species found in Australia are so unique and rare that they can’t be found anywhere else in the world.


Around 30 million years ago, Australia separated from Antarctica and traveled on its own to the north. This enormous amount of time, in addition to separation from the world, resulted in the unique fauna and flora that we can see in Australia today.


While some animals like kangaroos, dingoes, koalas, wallabies, platypus, and wombats are well known, Australia is home to over 200,000 to 300,000 species, of which only 100,000 have been discovered successfully.


Natural Wonders


Australia has some of the world’s fascinating wonders for you to visit. For example, the Great Barrier Reef is so massive that it is clearly visible from space. To give you an idea of how big the reef is, it has over 2900 individual reefs and over 900 islands stretching for over 1450 miles. Pretty huge, right? Wait, there’s more.


Australia also has this planet’s most enormous rock Mount Augustus, which is located in Mount Augustus National Park. In addition to its massive size, the layers which make up the rock are probably some 1700 million years old.


If you decide to climb this rock and reach the top, you will get a congratulatory sandwich while enjoying the 360 impressive views from the top of this magnificent rock.

Culture and Diversity


Australia and its people take great pride in its culture and traditions. The Australian government is making efforts to redress past wrongs to the aboriginal people who have been calling this country their home for over 60,000 years. Their population has increased significantly, unleashing a renaissance in the aboriginal arts. In addition to the famous Uluru, you can also visit many sacred sites of these indigenous people.


Many big festivals in the country like Adelaide Festival, Melbourne International Comedy Festival, and Melbourne International Arts Festival have gotten worldwide attention. Scores of people come to Australia to be part of these celebrations.


If you are visiting Australia around the New Year, try to attend Sydney’s famous New Year’s Ever Fireworks and enjoy a spectacular display that will make your jaw drop.


Food and Wine


Apart from being home to all these exciting things, Australia is the world’s sixth-biggest wine producer. So you'll get to try a lot of good wines when you're in Australia if you're a wine lover. Some of Australia's most famous wine regions are Hunter Valley, Barossa Valley, and Margaret River.


Now let’s talk about food. With the combination of hundreds of cultures, nationalities, and customs, Australia has no shortage of iconic dishes.


Based on the movies and sitcoms you've watched, if you think Australian cuisine is just avocado on toast and BBQ, you are mistaken. Thanks to its diversity, you will find food from all over the world with an Australian twist—whether it is a scrambled egg, pasta, or chicken tikka.


Some of the most popular Australian dishes include chicken parmigiana, barbecued snags, lamingtons, pavlova, and meat pies.




With its magnificent scenery, delicious food, and unmatchable diverse population, Australia has much to offer. The very fact that the ocean surrounds the entire country makes it an epic backpacking destination.


Of course, you won’t be able to see all of this massive country without proper planning and research. After all, it has three different time zones and eight different climate zones. You can plan your trip to this country at any time around the year, but if you have things like hiking and surfing in mind, you should check the best time to experience these before getting those tickets!

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